Re: Confused

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On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 13:31 -0400, Dan Shirah wrote:
> All,
> Okay, I am a bit confused.   I'm setting up another server to host PHP
> pages.  I followed everything in the Manual for installing PHP.  I'm running
> Windows Server 2003, IIS6.0 and PHP 5.2.6.
> kind of works...
> If I do: <?php echo "Test"; ?> it prints fine.
> If I do: Today is: <?php echo date("l, F j, Y"); ?> it prints fine.
> If I do: You are recognized as: <?php echo substr($_SERVER['AUTH_USER'],
> 13); ?> I get no output.

Add the following:


echo '<pre>'."\n"
print_r( $_SERVER );
echo '</pre>'."\n";


See if the AUTH_USER entry is in there.

> If I do:
>      if (!$connect_id = ifx_connect("$database@$host", $user, $pass)) { //
>      echo "Unable to connect to Informix Database\n"; // DISPLAY IF
>      exit();
>   }
> I don't get a connection to the database and the "Unable to connect to
> Informix Database\n"; does not even display.

Shouldn't that be:

if( !($connect_id = ifx_connect("$database@$host", $user, $pass)) )

I think PHP may support the style you've used, but I sure as heck
wouldn't use it.

How do you know you don't get a connection to the database? What is the
value of $connect_id? Use var_dump( $connect_id ) to find out.

> I get no errors output to the screen and I have display_errors = On
> And I have error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Maybe turn on notices as well. That will probably generate a notice for
the missing AUTH_USER index.

> Any ideas?
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