PHP List,
I have a script, part of which is taken from a script I found on the
'net, which tries to detect the user agent of the browser accessing the
site. One of the reasons I'm doing this is to find out if the browser is
a desktop or mobile.
Part of the code looks like this:
$ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$isDesktop = (strpos($ua, 'firefox') !== false)
|| (strpos($ua,'mosaic') !== false)
|| (strpos($ua,'msie') !== false)
|| (strpos($ua,'opera') !== false)
|| (strpos($ua,'mozilla') !== false)
|| (strpos($ua,'w3c_css_validator') !== false)
|| (strpos($ua,'w3c_validator') !== false);
What's driving me crazy is that it successfully determines all the
browsers listed there, *except* mozilla.
I have a log file which alerts me when an unknown browser comes through
my site, and it's chock full of messages telling me that a Mozilla based
browser has come by. There are a *lot* of Mozilla based browsers.
Some examples from my logs of the browsers slipping by my test:
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 compatible; Yahoo! Slurp
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 compatible; Googlebot/2.1
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 X11; U; Linux i686
In each case, the strpos() should have seen the mozilla agent and not
bothered logging it.
It's not complicated code, especially considering it's successfully
finding msie and firefox.
I can't imagine why Mozilla would be different.
Any suggestions? Is there something about my code right in front of my
face that I'm not seeing?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dave M G
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