Re: casting static property

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Diogo Neves schreef:
Hi again,

There's what you need ( I think )

not so much that I need it, but the easier you make it
for some one to look at your issue the more likely it is
someone will. :-)

Simplified version for web:

Simplified version for CLI:

good stuff. only I don't get what your trying to show, exactly.
seems like your confused between instance (object) properties
and class (static) properties.

in your example $this->e and $this->f don't exist as instance
properties ... this becomes clear if you set error_reporting to
include E_NOTICES. the static properties $e and $f should be
referred to in code as follows:

class Foo {
	private $d = 1;
	static private $e = 2;

	public function test() {
		echo "\$this->d = ", $this->d, "\nself::\$e = ", self::$e, "\n";

$foo = new Foo;

PS, another tip when writing simple test code for the CLI, always use *only*
double quotes in such code ... this allows people to cut and paste the code
directly onto the cmdline (not sure this will work on windows btw) e.g.

$> php -r 'class Foo { static private $f = 1; function test() { echo "\$this->e = {$this->e}"; }}'

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Jochem Maas <jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Diogo Neves schreef:
Sorry, i have no webserver... but I can send all code in the email, right?

you can use

I also recommend you write reproduce/example code like this for
the CLI so that other people don't have to go throught the hassle
of running via a webserver (<br /> is not very helpful in terms of

define('a', 0);
$b = 0;

class foo {
   private $c = 0;
   private static $e = 0;
   private static $f = '0';
   public function techo() {
       echo ' direct -->' . 0 . '<br />';
       echo ' a --> ' . a . '<br />';
       echo ' (string)a --> ' . (string)a . '<br />';
       global $b;
       echo ' b --> ' . $b . '<br />';
       echo ' c --> ' . $this->c . '<br />';
       $d = 0;
       echo ' d --> ' . $d . '<br />';
       echo ' e --> ' . $this->e . '<br />';
       // OK, static creates a reference, so?
       echo ' (int)e --> ' . (int)$this->e . '<br />';
       echo ' (string)e --> ' . (string)$this->e . '<br />';
       // What? Why?
       echo ' f --> ' . $this->f . '<br />';
       // OK, static creates a reference, so?
       echo ' (int)f --> ' . (int)$this->f . '<br />';
       echo ' (string)f --> ' . (string)$this->f . '<br />';
       // What? Why?

   public function techo2() {
       echo ' direct -->', 0, '<br />';
       echo ' a --> ', a, '<br />';
       echo ' (string)a --> ', (string)a, '<br />';
       global $b;
       echo ' b --> ', $b, '<br />';
       echo ' c --> ', $this->c, '<br />';
       $d = 0;
       echo ' d --> ', $d, '<br />';
       echo ' e --> ', $this->e, '<br />';
       // OK, static creates a reference, so?
       echo ' (int)e --> ', (int)$this->e, '<br />';
       echo ' (string)e --> ', (string)$this->e, '<br />';
       // What? Why?
       echo ' f --> ', $this->f, '<br />';
       // OK, static creates a reference, so?
       echo ' (int)f --> ', (int)$this->f, '<br />';
       echo ' (string)f --> ', (string)$this->f, '<br />';
       // What? Why?

   public function techo3() {
       global $b;
       $d = 0;

       echo ' direct -->', 0, '<br />',
            ' a --> ', a, '<br />',
            ' (string)a --> ', (string)a, '<br />',
            ' b --> ', $b, '<br />',
            ' c --> ', $this->c, '<br />',
            ' d --> ', $d, '<br />',
            ' e --> ', $this->e, '<br />',
       // OK, static creates a reference, so?
            ' (int)e --> ', (int)$this->e, '<br />',
            ' (string)e --> ', (string)$this->e, '<br />',
       // What? Why?
            ' f --> ', $this->f, '<br />',
       // OK, static creates a reference, so?
            ' (int)f --> ', (int)$this->f, '<br />',
            ' (string)f --> ', (string)$this->f, '<br />';
       // What? Why?

$foo = new foo( );

function mytime( ) {
       $time = microtime( );
       $time = explode( " ", $time );
       $time = $time[1] + $time[0];
       return $time;

$time1 = mytime( );
$foo->techo( );
$time2 = mytime( );
$totaltime = ($time2 - $time1);
echo '<br /><br />techo() --> ', $totaltime, '<br /><br /><br />';

$time1 = mytime( );
$foo->techo2( );
$time2 = mytime( );
$totaltime = ($time2 - $time1);
echo '<br /><br />techo2() --> ', $totaltime, '<br /><br /><br />';

$time1 = mytime( );
$foo->techo3( );
$time2 = mytime( );
$totaltime = ($time2 - $time1);
echo '<br /><br />techo2() --> ', $totaltime, '<br /><br /><br />';

I believe yes

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Robert Cummings <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 17:09 +0200, Jochem Maas wrote:
Diogo Neves schreef:
Hi all,

Why a static var don't cast as a dynamic one?
See file for more info...
attachments get stripped.
don't cross post to internals, it's bad form.
try and formulate your questions a bit better
(it should take you more time to write your post than
it takes for someone else to figure out what your going on about.).

Correction, text attachments don't get stripped.
give a man fish. Diogo already succeeded in sending a text attachment
in a previous post ... I figured I let him work it out for himself ;-)

.... you pedantic **** :-D

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