On 28 Aug 2008, at 11:57, Dotan Cohen wrote:
2008/8/28 Shelley <myphplist@xxxxxxxxx>:
Though vim is not a so-called IDE, actually it's quite handy.
And as PHP is not [generally] compiled, no "IDE" is needed. VIM is
great, and for a GUI text editor I use Kate. Note that there will soon
be a VIM mode in Kate! I cannot wait!
What does compilation have to do with it? C/C++ are rarely interpreted
but that certainly doesn't dictate a need for an IDE.
This question comes up so often it's painful, but I don't think I've
ever actually answered it. I use TextMate most of the time, Coda for
remote projects and occasionally Zend Studio when I need to step
through code. I've also gone through phases of using vi, vim, pico,
nano, emacs, epsilon, kate, notepad(!), notepad2, aptana, eclipse, and
many more I can't remember. It's text, use what works for you.
I recently made the mistake of putting over 100k fairly small data
files into the tree for my current project and it completely killed
TextMate. Best option for lots of files or very large files is to
disable any automatic scanning your editor does. You may lose some of
the nice-to-have features like code completion but to me that's a
small price to pay for being able to do anything at all.
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