At 6:30 PM +0200 8/27/08, Per Jessen wrote:
Well, I left that for the OP to figure out. Still, your regex is
worse - a domain name cannot contain '%'. The only valid characters
for a domain name are letters, numbers and a hyphen. Also, maximum
length for a domain name is 64 characters, which could/should be
checked too.
Well, I stole that regex anyway -- I agree that % should have not been there.
No, they can't. There are no 8-bit characters allowed in an
email-address. Check out RFC2821.
You can throw all the facts and documentation you
want at me, but the left side of the @ has always
been open to anything you want. The right side of
the @ has had to deal with 7-bit limitation (the
DNS problem). But, considering the work that the
IDNS has done, (circa 2000) we can use Unicode
characters on both sides of the @.
However, the software (browsers and email apps)
may/may-not be able to deal with it, as shown by
my recent example of:
> tedd@à.com
is a legal and working email address.
If that reads "tedd(at)<space>.com", it might be valid on your system,
but not in public.
The email address is perfectly valid, and works,
but our definition of "public" is apparently
I claim if it's valid on any system, then it's
public. I don't hold to the notion that if M$
doesn't recognize it then it isn't public. M$ has
always had it's collective head up it's vested
interest butt anyway.
For demonstration Safari has absolutely no
problems dealing with IDNS, whereas all IE's do.
To prove my point, if you have Safari, try
entering option v into the browser URL box and
hit return. You don't have to enter anything else
(i.e., no http://, www, or dot com).
What will happen is that you will be
automagically transported to one of my sites
where the url is square-root dot com. However if
you're dealing with one of the leading "also-ran"
IE browsers, then you'll see the PUNYCODE
equivalent, which was never intended to be seen
by end users anyway. Just another example of how
M$ always has a better idea.
So, regardless of the documentation, which may be
outdated, I know that Unicode characters can be
used in IDNS and thus on both sides of the @, but
it's the software that needs to catch up to the
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