Pavel schreef:
//sorry for my english
Firstly, this list of exception show only registered in system exceptions,
yes I know, I wrote exactly that in the first line of my post.
which (excluding one-two) are exceptions of some php mobules:mysqli,sqllite
and so on...
it's 5 actually, I mentioned that also.
I use only Exception class and my extends on it (so and exceptions from your
list are extends...).
yes, I know. they have to, it's an engine requirement, if you STW you can
even find a class heirarchy diagram that documents them.
the point is I'm writing a small site/app and I can't be arsed to
write a stack of custom Exceptions and an autoloader etc because it's too
much hassle for the simplistic nature of what I'm putting together
... so I figured I'd use built-in exceptions where I can because being
able to differentiate certain 'types' of exception is quite handy, making
everything a plain Exception is rather blunt (rather like doing surgery
with a spoon).
... which is where my original question(s) come in. personally I find
the built-ins rather useless unless you fancy being super pendantic with
your exceptions (UnderflowException anyone?!?), seems the built-in exceptions
don't really cover (m)any general situations.
maybe a missing config file should be a RunTimeException ...
still leaves the questions as to what a DomainException and a ErrorException
is meant to model.
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