PHP List,
I have built my own CMS system, and I've just finished setting it up so
that it sends a test cookie to see if the browser has cookies enabled.
If it doesn't, it does URL rewriting to handle sessions.
Part of this process involves reloading the page, and sending back a
header to get it to go to the right page.
In amongst the code, I have this line:
header ("Location: /$userRequest");
$userRequest can sometimes be empty, such as when someone only types the
domain name in their browser's URL field. Like, "".
But, I've learned that if I just do this:
header ("Location: $userRequest");
Then the the browser displays nothing at all. There has to be at least
something after "Location: " in the header() command. That's why I put
the forward slash in, thinking that it would take people to the root
directory of the site.
It works for when people put nothing in the URL other than the domain
name. And it works for every other page or directory on the site.
But, I've also learned that if someone creates a link like this:
<a href="/">click here</a>
... then what happens is that the system gets confused about what
directory it is in and will lose track of any files located by relative
paths. CSS files and images are not found, and the page comes up
completely unformatted.
I've done a lot of experimenting, and one thing I tried was this:
$userRequest = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/");
... so that I would take the slash back out of the URL when it came
back. But it still doesn't work, so now I'm wondering if the browser is
doing something different when it handles a single forward slash.
Bottom line, I can't figure out why this:
<a href="/">click here</a>
... does not work with this:
$userRequest = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/");
header ("Location: /$userRequest");
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Dave M G
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