I am debugging someone else¹s code, and this is what they have : 1055 function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode) 1056 { 1057 is_dir(dirname($pathname)) || mkdir_recursive(dirname($pathname), $mode); 1058 return is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode); 1059 } The part that bothers me is that mkdir_recursive calls itself from within itself. I am not an expert on this particular type of thing, and maybe that is allowed, but it seems wrong to me, and this error is being generated: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mkdir_recursive() in xxxxx.php on line 1057 -- Stephen Johnson c | eh The Lone Coder http://www.thelonecoder.com continuing the struggle against bad code http://www.fortheloveofgeeks.com I¹m a geek and I¹m OK! --