Jochem Maas wrote:
ceo@xxxxxxxxx schreef:
I'm logging things with error_log, and would like to be able to sort
out one script run from another.
So I'm looking for some kind of "script id" or "thread id" or "PHP
script run execution ID" type of function.
getmypid() just returns the same apache child process ID all the time,
so that's not what I want.
zend_thread_id() looks useful, but I suspect it's not quite what I'm
looking for. But I'd have to re-compile with ZTS and --debug-mode and
I don't think the function I'm looking for should require that...
Perhaps I've just missed the right function name?
Or perhaps this should be a "Feature Request"?
might very well be. I've had thew same annoyance more than once ... my
'solution' was to
use a wrapper for error_log() (you do that anyway right ;-) and have it
prepend a per-request 'unique'
string to each log message (some timestamp/scriptname/random-value
mashup) and then output that same
per-request 'unique' string at the bottom of each page (so that you can
then use that value to
grep in the error log) ... not very satisfactory, but it works.
BTW, hi!
Following the wrapper idea, you can use the session ID. It's unique per
user, no matter if they share the thread some times.
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