Can someone tell me what I am missing here? This is working fine on my development machine(5.2.6), but on the production box(4.3.2), it doesn't want to work. I am getting that error on my session_start() function. Is the difference in versions what is causing the problems? I've googled and none of the results fit my problem. Below is my .htaccess file. php_value session.save_handler files php_value session.save_path /tmp php_value PHPSESSID php_flag session.auto_start off php_value session.cookie_path / php_flag session.use_cookies on php_value session.cache_expire 180 php_flag session.use_trans_sid on MLGW now offers ONLINE BILLING! To view your bills, receive paperless bills, check payment status and pay online, go to and click on the My Account link. Enroll today! This e-mail and any attachments represent the views and opinions of only the sender and are not necessarily those of Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division, and no such inference should be made. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: