On Aug 15, 2008, at 9:20 AM, Dan Shirah wrote:
As a fellow Wisconsinite and a web developer, I'm going to have to
ask you
to leave the state. Minnesota can have you.
PS - No, but seriously, frames?!?!
There's nothing wrong with a Frame every once in a while! Granted
aren't used much anymore, but sometimes they can be useful!
I know, I know. I'm not a fan of frames either, and have never even
thought of using them until now. The problem is, our library catalog
is on a different server and provides results for a consortium of 30
libraries. So, what we've been doing is including a search box for the
catalog on web pages. Which works fine, but it's easy for people to
get caught up in the catalog with no good way to get back to the site
you came from. So, I created a frame page that has a small button in
the top frame that takes you back to where you came from. So, the site
itself isn't using frames, only when you search the catalog. Of
course, that's if I can get it working...
- jody
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