On 13 Aug 2008, at 17:26, Richard Heyes wrote:
If I may suggest ... if you have a second system that doesn't have
a big
load, you can simply rsync the data from one to the other every 24
hours or
however many times you want. This way, when your primary system
bites the
dust, you can easily switch to the backup one and keep running
while you
work on the primary one.
Good for something that generates money, but not for my personal stuff
which I'm not too fussed about.
I would recommend http://www.rsync.net/ for this. They're pretty cheap
($1.60/GB/month), very reliable and their support is top-notch. If you
need it you can pay a tiny bit extra ($2.80/GB/month) and get geo-
redundant storage. They also have discounts if you need more than 25GB.
I am not affiliated with them in any way, but I've been using the
service since it launched and have never had a problem.
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