Jim Lucas wrote:
Rod Clay wrote:
I'm creating a website in php and I've noticed that many websites seem
to "remember where the user is on the page,"
You are probably referring to <a name=""></a> tag placement.
If in your web page you place an anchor tag like this:
<a name="SomeName"></a>
Then in the URL you add this to the end #SomeName it will try and
place that position at the top of your viewable area in your web browser.
A better way to do that is to give some block element--a header, a div,
etc.--an ID. That works exactly the same as <a name="...">. That way,
there can be many anchored locations on a page without having to add
otherwise superfluous tags. I *suspect* that the <a name=""> thing is
deprecated, even.
In any case, I wonder if the OP is referring to the fact that many
user-agents will scroll to the previous spot when the "back" button is
used. No extra mark-up or hints required.
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