Re: limiting the amount of emails sent at a time in a batch send

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On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 1:27 PM, brian <php@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Richard Kurth wrote:
>> I want to limit these script two send 100 email and then pause for a few
>> seconds and then send another 100 emails and repeat this tell it has sent
>> all the emails that are dated for today. This script is runs by cron so it
>> is running in the background.
>> How would I do this and is it the best way to do it. I am using swift
>> mailer to send the mail.
>> I think I would use limit 100 in the query but how would I tell it to get
>> the next 100.
> There's no need to limit the DB query, nor to track what's been sent by
> updating the DB. Grab all of the addresses at once and let SwiftMailer deal
> with the throttling:
> require('Swift/lib/Swift.php');
> require('Swift/lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php');
> /* this handles the throttling
>  */
> require('Swift/lib/Swift/Plugin/AntiFlood.php');
> /* this holds all of your addresses
>  */
> $recipients = new Swift_RecipientList();
> /* Grab the addresses from the DB (this is using MDB2)
>  */
> $result = ...
> while ($row = $result->fetchRow())
> {
>        $recipients->addTo($row['address'], $row['name']);
> }
> @$result->free();
> try
> {
>        $swift = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP('localhost'),
> 'your_domain');
>        set_time_limit(0);
>        $swift->log->enable();
>        /* 100 mails per batch with a 60 second pause between batches
>         */
>        $swift->attachPlugin(new Swift_Plugin_AntiFlood(100, 60),
> 'anti-flood');
>        flush();
>        $message = new Swift_Message('your subject');
>        $message->setCharset('utf-8');
>        $message->setReplyTo(...);
>        $message->setReturnPath(...);
>        $message->headers->set('Errors-To', ...);
>        $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($plain_content));
>        $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($html_content, 'text/html'));
>        $num_sent = $swift->batchSend($message, $recipients, new
> Swift_Address(..., '...'));
>        $swift->disconnect();
> ...
> This is a rough example taken from my own script. This would need to be
> modified if you're not sending the same message to all recipients, of
> course. It's not clear to me from your example.
> b

Nice! I'll have to look into this library some time. How do you
control it to prevent sending the same message though? I can't imagine
this is called from a web page, because I'm guessing it would take a
few minutes to finish. If it's called from a cron job, don't you still
have to somehow flag the message as having been delivered so that the
next process doesn't come along and send the same thing all over


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