JJB wrote:
We recently rebuilt a webserver and upgraded it to opensuse 10.3. Now, when our webdev people run command line php scripts all of the included files are being output to the terminal instead of parsed. Can anyone make a good suggestion for what might be going on here? My Linux admin is out today, if someone can give me a clue about what might be the problem, then perhaps I can figure out how to fix it. - Joel
If this is a fresh install, you might check to see of the code uses short php tags '<?' instead of '<?php' . If this is the case, they you need to change the short_open_tag = Off to short_open_tag = On in your php.ini file.
Older versions of PHP had this On by default. Newer versions do not. -- Jim Lucas "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V by William Shakespeare -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php