I hope I can explain what I am trying to do.
I have two tables the first one has the custom form elements
elements_id elements_field_type elements_field_caption members_id
35 text test 8
36 text test2 8
The second one has the customer id and the field value withe the field name
dbelements_field_name dbelements_field_value members_id customer_id
35 Test This Field 8 346
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36 Test2 8 347
If you look at the second table you will see that one field name is
related to two different customers and one field name on relates to one
I am trying to look at these two tables and find customer that do not
have a row for each field name.
I have been trying with
and also array_diff($customf_array,$dbelements_field_array)
This are the tables I /am using to create the arrays
/$contactsql = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE members_id = '8'";
$contact_result = |mysql_query|($contactsql);
$contactid_array[] = $contact_row['id'];
$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM dbelements WHERE members_id = '8'";
$sql_result1 = |mysql_query|($sql1);
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM customformelements WHERE members_id = '8'";
$sql_result2 = |mysql_query|($sql2);
Could somebody get me going in the right directions
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