I've got one that sounds like it's exactly what you are looking for.
This site uses it extensively. http://www.restonrunners.org
Just about every single page on the site was created using my php program "EditPage". Non-techies
do their own thing.
It is highly configurable and uses a simple file-based DB for the content. Requires php5. Here is
part of the user instructions to give you an idea of the content user instructions.
"Rendering of lines and paragraphs generally will be the same as they appear in the edit box.
Titles, centering and bulletins are centered.
"Tags" are special instructions for the user's browser and consist of starting and, generally [there
are exceptions as noted], ending elements [e.g., <blue>Blue Text</blue>] EditPage's "tags" are
described below. "Tag names can be lower or upper case. Two word tags can be connected with an
underscore or a dash. [e.g. <big_blue> or <big-blue>]"
That's the good news. Bad news is that I'm doing a major redesign and it won't be ready for about a
3 or 4 weeks. If you can wait till then, just ask.
OOzy Pal wrote:
I am looking for a simple php CMS. Can anyone help?
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