tedd wrote:
Hi gang:
I'm running a Mac (so I know mine is a bit different size wise) but I'm
currently using Veranda at 14 point for coding.
Just out of curiosity, what font and size do you ppls use for your
12pt Adobe Sans MM (Zend Studio) on a 19" LCD @ 1280x1024 running Linux.
I'm not doing PHP at my new job anymore (bummer), but the terminal I use
to connect to the OpenVMS server uses auto font scaling to make it super
huge (the programs only support 80 and 132 character screen widths).
BTW, MUMPS is a very interesting language. By interesting I really mean
crazy, but I suppose it is really old.
F I=1:1:10 W "VALUE: "_I,! ; Writes "VALUE: " . I each on a new line
Sorry for venturing off-topic, but I told you!
Ray Hauge
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