Hi list,
I am trying to get info out of a MS Access 2000 db. So far I have
managed to do some of it but current part has me stumped.
Set up
Machine 1 - Debian 4, Apache, PHP5 unixodbc, mdbtools
Machine 2 - WindowsXP, MS-Access
Database is in a windows share that is smfs mounted on the linux box.
$conn=odbc_connect("Database","",""); works
$a = "abcd"; (this value exists in db)
$stat = "Select * FROM " . '"Table Name"';
$qry = odbc_exec($conn,$stat);
$res = odbc_result_all($qry) or die("Error: ");
The above works as I expect it to.(Returns 70 rows)
If I now want to add a where clause
$stat = "SELECT * FROM " . '"Table Name"' . " Where " . '"Column Name" =
" . $a; (This works)
Now the place I fall into the abyss.
if I change WHERE clause in $stat to
" WHERE " . '"Column Name"' LIKE abc* (or other variations like abc%
"abc%" "abc*" 'abc%' 'abc*')
All I end up with is a blank page or Warning odbc_result_all No tuples
available at this result index.
Also I'm having trouble working out how to use a date in the WHERE
clause. I've tried #yy-mm-dd# yy-mm-dd* dd/mm/yy etc etc (oh and
yy/mm/dd 00:00:00 etc
I realize this is probably more odbc/sql related but after a lot of
goggling and reading I havent found the answer (about 5 days so far)
And before everyone shouts use mySQL postgresql etc that isnt an option
at this point in time. I dont need to update the records I just need to
be able to read them with php.
Oh and whilst I'm here is it possible to read an ms-query via odbc?
(eg select * from myquery). Just thinking that may fix one of my
problems (Caps and spaces in table/column names aaarrgghh)
Peter Jackson
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