x0ml wrote:
I've installed PHP version 5.2.6 but phpinfo() and php -v both report back
the old version 5.0.2. I even copied php.ini-dist from the distribution to
/etc/php.ini and restarted the physical server. It still does show version
5.2.6 as the current version.
As a sidenote, I'm having the same thing occur with my Apache upgrade that I
just did too. It still thinks its version 2.0.54 instead of version 2.0.63.
I tweaked my httpd.conf file, didn't make any difference.
I'm running Fedora 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4. Any ideas where to look?
Depends upon how you installed it, rmp, yum? Were the previous versions
installed the same way? You may have multiple binaries and the init
scripts are pointing to the old ones.
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