Re: why are passwords stored encrypted in databases even when thedatathey protect is stored in the same database?

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On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 14:20 +0200, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
> Considering you're already jailing access by linking a specific url to a 
> specific password you're making the impact of a hacked password pretty 
> small. Which is a good thing :)
> I would recommend, if you go this way, to add an expiry date to the 
> url/password combo. So for example you can only use that url/password 
> combo for 3 days before it expires, after that, you need a new combo. 
> Doing it this way (with server-generated passwords) you make sure that 
> _if_ it were ever to fall into hands-it-should-not-be-in, it won't be 
> there for long.
> - Tul
> P.S. in other words, sounds fine to me :)

Thank you again! finally I can get to work :)

Best wishes, Dietrich

On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 14:20 +0200, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
> Dietrich Bollmann wrote:
> > Hi tul, 
> > 
> > So this was a very long and informative answer :)
> > Thank you very much!
> > 
> > On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 12:02 +0200, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
> >> [...] However, people usually write code which may (and will most 
> >> of the time) containt exploitable sections which might give a malicious 
> >> user the ability to get a dump of the database. A password dump is 
> >> always interesting, since it gives a LOT of information. People usually 
> >> don't use 1 password per login, but rather have a "standard password" 
> >> for most things.
> > 
> > So if the user is allowed to change his password, it should be encrypted
> > always as there are chances that the same password is used at some other
> > place?  That makes a lot of sense to me :)
> > 
> > If all passwords are generated by the system on the other hand and the
> > user is not allowed to change his password, if further all the protected
> > data is in the same database as the password, there would be no need for
> > encrypting the passwords following your argumentation?
> > 
> > But if some information is stored outside the database - in my case
> > (simple file server) for example, the database only contains the file
> > meta-data while the files themselves are stored in some data directory
> > on the server - some malicious user who would have broken into the
> > database could get hold of the files if the passwords are stored
> > unencrypted;  if some encryption scheme would have been used on the
> > other hand the data found in the database wouldn't be of any use at all?
> > 
> > And if the password should be recoverable some encryption with a key
> > stored somewhere else would force the hacker to break into two systems,
> > the database itself and the system which is used to store the key.
> > 
> > That makes sense also.  I didn't think about the fact that database and
> > a directory on the server are two different things which would have to
> > be hacked separately.  So I am happy about writing my mail and getting
> > such a nice answer before implementing some stupid password logic
> > myself :)
> > 
> >> Now, if it were unprotected, the person getting the information can 
> >> instantly log in as that user, or if he wants might even take over that 
> >> person's identity in other places (rare, but it happens). If it were 
> >> protected by encryption of some kind then it would first need to be 
> >> decrypted to be usable (unless there is a designflaw which makes this 
> >> unnecessery as has been the case in a few messageboards a few years ago).
> >> Now, you can either encrypt or hash your passwords. Hashes are one-way, 
> >> encryption two-way. If the malicious user gets hold of a hash: he'll 
> >> still not have anything useful in his hands. He might make a reverse 
> >> lookup table and figure out the password from that (though there's an 
> >> infinite number of possible inputs for each single [hash] output), but 
> >> add a salt and don't put that in the database and the user has a low 
> >> chance of ever finding out what it was. But, just as the malicious user 
> >> can't figure out what the password was, neither can you: so goodby 
> >> lost-password feature. Instead you'd have to regenerate a new password 
> >> and send that over, or do some other fancy magic which doesn't involve 
> >> sending the current password as-is, since you don't know it either.
> >> If you were to use encryption there, you could always decrypt it. If you 
> >> have the key. Storing the key separately from the encrypted password 
> >> would make this quite safe. enctpyed_string = (data + key), if you know 
> >> neither the data nor the key, things get very tough. Because you know 
> >> the key, you can figure out the password and make a forgot-password 
> >> feature easily which sends out the actual password.
> >> But, because your key is publicly available (if your page has to use it, 
> >> then it's automatically publicly available, maybe not easily, but a 
> >> malicious user which managed to get hold of a full password table, could 
> >> just aswell get hold of the key for the encryption)!
> >> Putting in neither, so just keeping the passwords in their plain form is 
> >> safe. As long as noone _ever_ sees them. Guarantee that and you won't 
> >> have to bother with hashing/encrypting. If you can't guarantee it, build 
> >> in some extra safety in the form of hashing and/or encrypting.
> >>
> >> hope that explains it all a bit,
> >> - tul
> > 
> > Yes.  A bit.  I am actually impressed.  But I better read some more
> > redundant book about intelligent malicious users as I still feel like
> > not understanding everything of what you said completely.
> > 
> > ...any nice book recommendation for naive people like me :?
> > 
> > So how about the following solution to my simple file-server problem:
> > 
> > I generate a new url for every user who is allowed to download a file
> > and a private password for every new url.  Using this approach, the same
> > file will be downloaded by different users via different urls and
> > passwords.  The password for an url is stored in the database encrypted
> > and send over to the user unencrypted per email.  Of course this makes
> > some more logic and tables necessary - and a new row for every user also
> > - but who cares :)  What do you think?
> > 
> > Thanks for your interesting explanation!
> > Dietrich
> Considering you're already jailing access by linking a specific url to a 
> specific password you're making the impact of a hacked password pretty 
> small. Which is a good thing :)
> I would recommend, if you go this way, to add an expiry date to the 
> url/password combo. So for example you can only use that url/password 
> combo for 3 days before it expires, after that, you need a new combo. 
> Doing it this way (with server-generated passwords) you make sure that 
> _if_ it were ever to fall into hands-it-should-not-be-in, it won't be 
> there for long.
> - Tul
> P.S. in other words, sounds fine to me :)

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