hce wrote:
Let me first describe the requirement more:
The C program is a major business server
I would not connect applications on low level.
I would think of a "web services" type of interface - http request and
xml response (Steven suggested, for example, SOAP - but it does not need
to be that complicated).
The has several benefits -
a) Clearly defined, the "web services" gate will not be affected by
changes in the C program.
b) You can use the "web services" gate to plug not only your php
application, but any other application that can (be made to) talk "web
c) The implementation of the php application, in this case, will be
trivial, resulting in cheaper developers/development/maintenance/expansion.
(ii) What is the maximum number concurrent requests in a PHP web
application? Will the maximum socket number / or port number (up to
2^16) be a bottleneck for large number of concurrent requests (hundred
and thousands)?
Nobody can tell you this for your existing infrastructure. The only
thing you can do is try and optimize.
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