Yashesh Bhatia wrote:
What about doing it the other way ... submitting the page to a script
that calls on the pdf creation, yet doesnt leave this script - then
proceed to redirect when that script (pdf) has been completed?
the steps u'r suggesting are
1 - submit form (1.html) to script (2.php)
2 - 2.php generates the pdf but does not give it for download
3 - after generating the pdf , 2.php then redirects to 3.html..
so where does the download happen ? in 3.html ?
1. Collect Information from client & submit data
2. Process data and generate PDF, write PDF, display error/success message
3. If successful, have a javascript or <meta ..> redirect to then download
PDF generated in step 2.
I would do it this way so in case their were any problems generating the PDF,
you would have a way to indicate that to the client. Rather then trying to
force them to download a broken PDF document.
One suggestion to go along with this is that you will need to have a routine
that will clean out all the generated PDF's every now and again.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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