On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Dan Shirah <mrsquash2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > If I do not put in any serch criteria and my basic query ends up being > "SELECT * FROM brev_pending_summary_detail" then the value of $rowcount is > 110796. If one search criteria is used the value of $rowcount becomes 11080. > If both criteria are used the value of $rowcount is 1108. 110796 is the > correct value of my total rows in the table, but the other two values are > inncorrect and appear to just be one digit shorter and rounded off. You may also want to look into getting the number from the SQL standard "SELECT COUNT(*) ...." query. > My query is below: This should be rewritten a bit, really.... [snip="code"] <?php $connect_id = ifx_connect($database."@".$host, $user, $pass); if(!$connect_id) { // THE ACTUAL CONNECTION echo "Unable to connect to Informix Database\n"; // DISPLAY IF CONNECTION FAILS exit(1); } $query = "SELECT * FROM brev_pending_summary_detail"; // BASIC QUERY // Uncomment this to use the alternative method: //$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM brev_pending_summary_detail"; if(!empty($judge_code) && empty($case_age)) { $query .= " WHERE judge_name='".mysql_real_escape_string($judge_code)."'"; } elseif(empty($judge_code) && !empty($case_age)) { $query .= " WHERE case_age_group='".mysql_real_escape_string($case_age)."'"; } elseif(!empty($judge_code) && !empty($case_age)) { $query .= " WHERE judge_name='".mysql_real_escape_string($judge_code)."'"; $query .= " AND case_age_group='".mysql_real_escape_string($case_age)."'"; } $count_query = ifx_query($query,$connect_id); $rowcount = ifx_affected_rows($count_query); echo $rowcount; // Uncomment below and comment-out the above to use the alternative method. $result = ifx_query($query,$connect_id); $row = ifx_fetch_row($result); echo $row[0]; ?> -- </Daniel P. Brown> Dedicated Servers - Intel 2.4GHz w/2TB bandwidth/mo. starting at just $59.99/mo. with no contract! Dedicated servers, VPS, and hosting from $2.50/mo. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php