Thijs Lensselink wrote:
Quoting Mathijs van Veluw <mathijs.van.veluw@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello there,
i use imap to read incoming mail from the the SMTP server.
On the live server everythings works as it should.
I can use imap_open('/path/to/file', '', ''), to read just one raw-mail.
On my test env i can't get this to work.
I get the error message: "Can't open mailbox".
While on the live server it works and i get the correct resource
"resource(42) of type (imap)".
I realy don't know what the problem is.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
I didn't work with IMAP much. So one suggestion could be to check if
your dev box is behind a proxy server. If you're using SSL check if it's
enabled on your dev box.
the imap_open() only gets a file location.
This file containts a raw-mail, so no need for ssl or proxy stuff etc..
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