I ended up using posix_access() which is what is_writeable() should be. is_writeable() is virtually
Al wrote:
I need to determine if a file is truly deletable by a php script,
Deleting permissions seem to be the same as writing, they probably have
the same criteria.
is_writable() seems to virtually useless in most cases. It doesn't take
into account the directory ownership/permissions; which, best I can
tell, is the real determining factor.
I've resorted to having to determine the directory's ownership and then
compare the directory's rights with the owner's and then the other
E.g., Assume my script was loaded with ftp, so it's ownership is the
site-name, and I want the scrip to be able to determine if it can delete
a file. Thus, the file in question must have its "other" permissions
include write.
Surely, there must be an easier way.
Thanks, Al........
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