You are missing the point of my question. I don't have a problem reading the permissions. They do
not solely determine whether a file can be deleted.
Aschwin Wesselius wrote:
Al wrote:
I need to determine if a file is truly deletable by a php script,
Deleting permissions seem to be the same as writing, they probably
have the same criteria.
is_writable() seems to virtually useless in most cases. It doesn't
take into account the directory ownership/permissions; which, best I
can tell, is the real determining factor.
I've resorted to having to determine the directory's ownership and
then compare the directory's rights with the owner's and then the
other ['world'].
E.g., Assume my script was loaded with ftp, so it's ownership is the
site-name, and I want the scrip to be able to determine if it can
delete a file. Thus, the file in question must have its "other"
permissions include write.
Surely, there must be an easier way.
Thanks, Al........
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