[snip] I have gotten hold of a very nice domain name ( phpstop.com ) and have thought of something nice I could do with it. Now, my idea is to start an E-ducation (online PHP education) website with some authors who know what they're talking about. [/snip] By the very act of responding to this I am a writer, no? Actually sounds like a good idea save for the numerous other sites out there that purport to do the same thing. There are many authors with expertise in PHP writing every day all over the globe. I only say this to make you aware of the competition. There are even non-PHP specific sites out there that have a raft of PHP articles (http://www.evolt.org comes to mind as does http://www.alistapart.com where the primary focus is design). http://www.phparch.com is a very popular publishing site for PHP'ers. I am not trying to dampen your enthusiasm for this kind of project at all. I just want you to know that while you have a noble idea you may face challenges getting writers (and readers) due to the established sites. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php