First of all, thank you verfy much to take a moment to check the
scripts, I really appreciate.
About your idea to have only one script that call to the appropiate
command using a switch, I agree, but since I am new here and I am the
only computing guy, I don't have time to restructure the code. I saw
also other code in the Intranet where I'd have done in a different way
easier to maintain, I think, but I have to make this to work and
apparently I don't think reestructuring the code will solve the
problem, at least in a way that i can understand why the script doesn't
want to run now. Also, the process to build the query and connect to
the registar are different in each case, so maybe it is the reason why
who who implemented this whois webapp has done like this.
If you want to check the site I am trying to fix and have a whole idea
it is at, if you check the tool, the ES
domains has no result at the site. I write to the log the command
construction, copy and paste at the command line at it works.
By other hand your note about the default option I ddin't realise, I am
going to check, but I feel very confused why the command I pass in the
script to the passthru function, is executed from command line with no
error and giving the right result. That's why I focused the problem in
the PHP script.
Thank you very much human debugger :)
Jason Pruim escribió:
So looking at those scripts I realized that perl is nothing like php ;)
Is there other info that the different places need? or is it just a
different URL?
I'm wondering why you could do something like:
switch(strtolower($ext)) {
case 'es';
case '';
case '';
case '';
case '';
$cmd = HTTP://"$nom.$ext";
case 'eu';
$cmd = HTTP://"$nom.ext";
$cmd = HTTP://"$nom.ext";
instead of calling out to a different script?
Also, I noticed that in your script where you have "default:" in your
switch, you have a : instead of a ;
May be causing some grief :)
On Apr 29, 2008, at 4:54 AM, J. Manuel Velasco - UBILIBET wrote:
Thanks for the replay, at least the debugger runs and it's easy to
install :)
I am new here, this is a small company and I am the only computing man,
so the person who implemented theses scripts are far away to ask for
Since I deduced there are different whoises scripts because the way to
make the petition is different depending on the domain (es) the query
is to an organization, ESNIC, (eu) query is to another organization,
EURID and for the rest it is executed just the *NIX whois command.
So since the connection, and the data exchange structure are different,
we need diferent scripts.
I attach now the files I metioned in my last email. If anybody can
check why the whois_es script doesn't run... you will be my idol !
Note: I hae change the name os the scripts since they are located in
specific place.
Thanks in advance.
Jason Pruim escribió:
On Apr 28, 2008, at 10:58 AM, J. Manuel Velasco - UBILIBET wrote:
Ok, so I am going to try this one, Jason
Pruim, let's check how it works ... :p
In my whois web-app, when a EU doamin is queried, perl script
is lunched and I got the right result to my PHP script I the result is
shown at the web.
If I do the query to a ES domain, other script is lunched, but
passthru doesn't execute it.
Both scripts are almost the same, they are in the same file structure,
same machine, same permissions...
Have you tried to use a program to compare the files? Make sure that
only the necessary lines are different?
The most strange is that I logged the command petition and If I copy
and paste exaclty the same that is passed to passthru, the command for
the whois to ESNIC is executed in the command line and shows the
Collegues told me to check the ENV, permissions, and so on, I did with
no results, also, the other perl script that is almost the same is
executed, so I feel very very lost.
Three files attached: -> perl script to query whois in ESNIC -> perl script to query whois in EURID
container.php -> intermediate page where the commands are build
and passthru is executed.
Is there any particular reason you are using different perl scripts
instead of a simple whois script for all of them?
Also... the only attachment was your logo :)
Thank you very much for any hint. I feel lost almost one week with this
Jason Pruim escribió:
On Apr 28, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Thijs Lensselink wrote:
Quoting Daniel Brown
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 7:00 AM, J.
Manuel Velasco - UBILIBET
<tech@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Anybody knows a good debugger for PHP and basic usage?
There's a pretty good one known as Jason Pruim. ;-P
Yall have too much time on your hands! :P
</Daniel P. Brown>
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Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
