I bet there is no native PHP methods for that kind of file, but you
can easily check the headers of wave file , you need to have a
specification or at least have 3 wave files of PCM and CCITT ,
compare the first 100 characters of that file, and you will get the clue
and logic how to recognize one from the other.
in PHP open a file read 100++ bytes and apply a logic to distinguish
After that you can use some external program to convert from one
format to other eg
system(' wavconvert_to_CCITT.exe some_pcm.wave ') ;
On Apr 11, 2008, at 9:20 PM, admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Wave editor?
Here is my dilemma.
In php I have written a script to upload a wave file to the server
for the C Sharp application to use. No problems on upload or
streaming from the file to the web. My issue comes when the format
of the wave file is PCM and not CCITT u-Law. The device cannot play
a PCM formatted wave file. Problem comes in when the end user just
picks a wave file to use for this option and does not have the
format correct.
Is there a wave format change option in php?
Has or does anyone know of a solution in php for this?
Is there a way I can check the format of the wave file before
Richard L. Buskirk
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Igor Jocic