Aschwin Wesselius írta:
Richard S. Crawford wrote:
Hi, everyone.
This one's been driving me bonkers for an hour now. Anyone have any idea
why require_once would be dying silently in the script below?
$CFG->dirroot = "/home/rcrawford/public_html/tanktrunk/tanktrunk";
$CFG->dataroot = $CFG->dirroot.'/moodledata';
It reads as if $CFG is an object and ->dirroot is not a public property
of that object. So, I don't know what $CFG is, but I think the problem
lays there.
if that property is not public but protected or private it would throw a
fatal error.
Also, OOP is nice and all (not to start a thread about OOP again), but
putting your config into an object seems a bit overdo to me.
I think you know I don't agree with that, but I too don't want to start
this over ;)
Zoltán Németh
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