Richard S. Crawford írta:
Hi, everyone. This one's been driving me bonkers for an hour now. Anyone have any idea why require_once would be dying silently in the script below? ------------------------------------ $CFG->dirroot = "/home/rcrawford/public_html/tanktrunk/tanktrunk"; $CFG->dataroot = $CFG->dirroot.'/moodledata'; require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/setup.php");
the above won't work, as the parser will try to interpret $CFG and put it in the string first, then go ahead.
try this: require_once($CFG->dirroot."/lib/setup.php"); or this: require_once("{$CFG->dirroot}/lib/setup.php"); greets, Zoltán Németh
------------------------------------ I've confirmed that the file setup.php exists and is readable. I've got error_reporting in php.ini set to E_ALL. I'm running Apache 2 and PHP5 on Kubuntu 7.10. Nothing shows up in my apache error log, and PHP itself produces absolutely no output, even though it will produce output galore when I put in a deliberate syntax error. I've also tried: ------------------------------------ require_once($CFG->dirroot."/lib/setup.php"); ------------------------------------ but this didn't help. Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated.
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