Hi folks - Newbie Question here... I'm using php with filemaker and api from http://fmwebschool.com I am asking them also for help (nothing yet) - but I thought that here would also be a great place to ask: Thread listed here for easier reading... http://fmwebschool.com/frm/index.php?topic=2234.0 --- Start with question: *Q: Can someone show me how to solve the endless loop problem that Only Happens : *if you type a BAD LOGIN and it asks you to do it again - and then you do a successful login* --- Sorry for this verbose thread... My Login Setup: Normally: FMWS login is set so after a successful login - you will go to the page you started from (that needed a login)..... Currently I have things set so: after a login - before it goes to the page you started from - ** it will first go to VARS.PHP and set some session variables *** - then go to the final destination.... *PROBLEM: Somehow it all works - EXCEPT if you type a BAD LOGIN and it asks you to do it again - and then user types a successful login then: *It gets STUCK in an *Endless Loop* and the browser says: Too many redirects occurred trying to open ³http://²;. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page. I'm still confused by this issue... *Q: Can someone show me how to solve the endless loop problem that Only Happens : *if you type a BAD LOGIN and it asks you to do it again - and then you do a successful login* 1 ==========MY LOGIN PAGE: <?php $_SESSION['login_from'] = 'client.php'; require_once('FileMaker/FMStudio_Tools.php'); if(!session_id()) session_start(); if( isset($_SESSION['login_from']) && $_SESSION['login_from'] != 'vars.php' ) { $_SESSION['orig_login_from'] = $_SESSION['login_from']; }else{ //$_SESSION['orig_login_from'] = 'client.php'; } $_SESSION['login_from'] = 'vars.php'; $_GET["errorMsg"] = fmsPerformLogin(); // FMStudio v1.0 - do not remove comment, needed for DreamWeaver support ?> ALSO set like FMWS basic login - it goes to itself: <form id="login_form" name="login_form" method="post" action=""> etc.......... 2 =========== MY VARS.PHP PAGE ... code.... set some variables.... <?php if(!session_id()) session_start(); if($_SESSION['orig_login_from'] != "vars.php") { fmsRedirect($_SESSION['orig_login_from']);} else { fmsRedirect('client.php');} ?> 3 =============FMStudio_Tools.php... (UNTOUCHED BY ME) function fmsPerformLogin() { if(!session_id()) session_start(); fmsCheckLogout(); if(isset($_POST['login_user'])) { $user = fmsPOST('login_user'); $pass = fmsPOST('login_pass'); if($user == '' || $pass == '') return 'User Name or Password cannot be blank'; $conn = $_SESSION['login_conn']; if(isset($_SESSION['login_from']) && $_SESSION['login_from'] != '') { $from = $_SESSION['login_from']; }else if(isset($_POST['defaultURL']) && $_POST['defaultURL'] != '') { $from = $_POST['defaultURL']; }else{ $from = 'index.php'; } if(isset($_SESSION['login_type']) && $_SESSION['login_type'] == 'table') { $_SESSION[$conn.'_tableLogin'] = array('user'=>$user,'pass'=>$pass,'first'=>true); }else{ $_SESSION[$conn.'_login'] = array('user'=>$user,'pass'=>$pass,'first'=>true); } session_write_close(); header('Location: '.$from); exit(); } if(isset($_GET["errorMsg"]) && $_GET["errorMsg"] != '') { return $_GET["errorMsg"]; }else{ return ''; } } -- Thanks - RevDave Cool @ hosting4days . com [db-lists] -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php