On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 11:27 AM, paragasu <paragasu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > anyone know how to backup a mysql database using PHP? > i want to write one php function to allow admin to download the mysql > database backup (mysqldump maybe?) .. > and how to restore the database backup from web based admin? > > i am using a shared server and the php scripts executed under the > www-data user.. If you have shell access and/or can run system() calls from PHP (and presuming it's a *NIX-like system), you could try something like this: <?php // mysql-backup.php $database = "your-db-name"; $username = "your-db-username"; $password = "your-db-password"; $stamp = time(); ignore_user_abort(1); // Continue no matter what. exec('mysqldump -u '.$username.' -p'.$password.' '.$database.' > ./mysql_'.$stamp.'sql',$ret,$err); // Handle $ret and $err as you'd like, if you want. exec('tar -cf mysql_'.$stamp.'.tar mysql_'.$stamp.'.sql',$ret,$err); // Handle $ret and $err as you'd like, if you want. exec('gzip -9 mysql_'.$stamp.'.tar',$ret,$err); // Handle $ret and $err as you'd like, if you want. echo "<a href=\"mysql_".$stamp.".tar.gz\">Download MySQL Backup</a>"; ?> Doing any sanity, extension, or even concatenation of commands to a single line is up to you. -- </Daniel P. Brown> Ask me about: Dedicated servers starting @ $59.99/mo., VPS starting @ $19.99/mo., and shared hosting starting @ $2.50/mo. Unmanaged, managed, and fully-managed! -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php