Re: phone number allocation manager

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Jim Lucas wrote:

I work for a telephone & internet company. Currently we have a tool that allows us to track the allocation of IP's to customers. What I am looking for is a tool that will allow me to track the allocation of phone numbers to our customers.

Building the tool for IP allocation management was pretty easy since the IP world works off a set of rules that govern the allocation of IP's. Unfortunately the phone number world does not have the same rule set. Actually, it has no rules.

Has anybody built, heard of, or used a tool like this?

Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks much!

I understand that the storage and restriction and other status issues are very easy. The storage isn't what I am worried about.

Think about IP addressing. Mathematically you have block sizes that have predefined starting points. You can't start a block on an odd number, you can't start a /25 on x.x.x.32. Certain rules apply to the assignment of a block.

I will describe the tool that we use for IP allocation and tracking.

on the initial page, you are presented with all the ranges of IPs that we are currently tracking. Some are /19, some /24, some /16, etc...

better yet, I will provide screen shots!

here is a link to the main page.

From this page you can view the current assignments in each available range, search for a given string, ip address, etc.. or even find all given /xx available in each range.

If I click 'find block' I get this.

This allows me to assign a given block to a customer/account.

Now on this page, I can assign other details to each number.

on the previous page, we would track things like line assignment, service assignment, and other various things.

So, to sum it up, what I am wondering, has anybody used a tool that had this type of search feature. Being able to calculate available number locations based on a given block size, and typical starting point? Adding special attention to blocks that start at a xxx-xxx-xxx0 base point.

When I went to Sprint to get my cell phone, I saw they had a tool that randomly pulled 10 numbers or so that were currently available. But this was for individual numbers. I can build that just fine. But calculating the available blocks is another story.

Sorry for being so long winded. I have actually typed less code then I just typed in this email and almost have it. (i think)... :)

Any ideas?

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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