Mark Weaver wrote:
Andrew Ballard wrote:
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Mark Weaver <mdw1982@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you Andrew... Now it all makes perfect sense. Good grief! there's
so much to learn. It seems that Java was easier. ;)
That's not specific to PHP. It's just how http works, so it's the same
for ASP, Perl, I suspect Java and most (if not all) other languages.
There might be a language that sets a cookie when you assign a value
to a special cookie variable, but I'm not familiar with any.
Unless I was doing something differently when I originally wrote this in
PERL I don't recall having this issue. At that time I would set the
cookie and then redirect (load the index with the full menu) if cookie
Geez! now my $_SESSION isn't persisting to the next page when the screen
refreshes. The only thing preventing me from gouging out my eyes right
now is that I know I'll get this stuff. It's just a matter of time...
The "problem" that you are encountering is because the $_COOKIE array is
"populated" when the script is executed. More then likely the other
languages that you used, would allow you to set a cookie and then they
would enter them into the "global" array for you, and not make you wait
until the next page load.
You could accomplish this yourself by making a wrapper function for the
setcookie() function and have your function set the data using
setcookie() and having it enter the data directly into the $_COOKIE array.
Something like this should do the trick
bool setcookie ( string $name
[, string $value
[, int $expire
[, string $path
[, string $domain
[, bool $secure
[, bool $httponly ]]]]]] )
function mySetCookie($name,
$httponly=FALSE) {
if ( is_null($domain) )
$domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if ( setcookie( $name, $value, $expire,
$path, $domain, $secure, $httponly) ) {
$_COOKIE[$name] = $value;
return true;
return false;
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