I'm trying to write a template system, my template is the HTML layout, and
my content is fetched from another source. However I don't quite understand
how to output the template so that all the variables are parsed by PHP.
Simple version of what I'm trying to do;
ob_start( );
extract( $params, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "am_");
$pageContent = file_get_contents( "page_to_display.html");
include( "template.html");
echo ob_get_clean( );
$pageTitle is in the template, it's replaced, $pageContent is in the
template, it's replaced. But any variables within the page_to_display are
simply output into the page rather than processed by PHP. I realise that
file_get_contents is basically returning a string and I"m just doing string
replacement when I include the template.html, so my only question is, what's
the actual way of doing this?
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