tedd wrote:
Hi gang:
How do you spider a remote web site in php?
I get the general idea, which is to take the root page, strip out the
links and repeat the process on those links. But, what's the code? Does
anyone have an example they can share or a direction for me to take?
Also, is there a way to spider through a remote web site gathering
directory permissions?
I know there are applications, such as Site-sucker, that will travel a
remote web site looking for anything that it can download and if found,
do so. But is there a way to determine what the permissions are for
those directories?
If not, can one attempt to write a file and record the
failures/successes (0777 directories)?
What I am trying to do is to develop a way to test if a web site is
secure or not. I'm not trying to develop evil code, but if it can be
done then I want to know how.
Thanks and Cheers,
Have a look at something like this:
I haven't used it, but if it works you should be able to pull up a list
of all the <a> tags quite easily through the DOM ala:
foreach($dom->find('a') as $node)
echo $node->href . '<br>';
Ray Hauge
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