I have a text file that looks like the one below. I need to read the
file into a database.
I was trying the script below but is not working can you help?
$lines = file_get_contents('clientlist1.txt');
$f= strstr($f,$find);
$ADDRESS = substr($f, 0, strpos($f,$separat));
echo $ADDRESS;
echo "<br>";
$f= strstr($f,$find);
$CITY = substr($f, 0, strpos($f,$separat));
echo $CITY;
echo "<br>";
Text File
Address: 5070 myaddress.
City: mycity State: mystate Zip: 97268
Name: my name
Address: 3925 myaddress.
City: mycity2 State: mystate2 Zip: 97268
Name: my name2
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