Lamp Lists wrote:
I saw several times that some people use this
$parameters = array(
'param1' => "{$_POST["param1"]}",
'param2' => "{$_POST["param2"]}"
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id='{$session_id}'");
I would use:
$parameters = array(
'param1' => $_POST["param1"],
'param2' => $_POST["param2"]
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id=' ".$session_id." ' ");
does it really matter? is there really difference or these are just two "styles"?
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The brackets are used to enforce that the entire contents between them
is a variable. It helps when you're using class members.
$example = "this is an {$example->text}";
It's also handy when you're putting variables in a heredoc.
I would suggest not using "{$_POST["param1"]}", like you said. It's
just going to make PHP figure out the string, then put the value in that
string. If you really wanted to make sure it's a string type then you
can do (string)$_POST['param1'].
The short answer is you can do it the way you're doing and everything
will work out just fine :)
Ray Hauge
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