On 18 Mar 2008, at 14:49, Jason Pruim wrote:
On Mar 18, 2008, at 10:11 AM, Per Jessen wrote:
Per Jessen wrote:
My typical setup for a form-page probably looks like this:
if ( $_POST )
// do POST processing
header(303 thankyou.html).
If I wanted the user back on the same form page, but still with a
you" message, I'd still do a 303, but use $_SESSION to indicate that
the user needs a "thank you" message displayed.
Just to play devils advocate and to try and understand things
Is there any reason you couldn't do a simple:
$formsubmitted= true;
if($formsubmitted = true){
Thank you for giving the bad guys your credit card number
echo <<<HTML
<P>Give me your credit card number or I'll force you to eat raw spam
all day!</P><input type="text" name="txtCC"
Or something like that :)
Because if the user reloads that page you'll process the form again,
which could have any number of nasty effects from creating a duplicate
row in the database to charging a credit card again. It also causes a
potentially confusing confirmation request to be displayed to the user.
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