On 17 Mar 2008, at 21:34, Carlo Carbone wrote:
I need help for this function to verify a p7m file . The funcion
always error value ( -1 ) this is the sintax that I use to verify
the sign
on the file
openssl_pkcs7_verify("prova.p7m", PKCS7_BINARY ,"prova.pdf",
array("c:\cert.pem") );
I 'm a winXP user and the path of PHP is place in the system path as
mentioned in the setup note
why it don't work ? where is the problem ? somebody could help me ?
Just guessing since I'm not familiar with the function, but on a basic
PHP syntax level you need to escape the \...
openssl_pkcs7_verify("prova.p7m", PKCS7_BINARY ,"prova.pdf",
array("c:\\cert.pem") );
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