Quoting tedd <tedd.sperling@xxxxxxxxx>:
At 10:06 AM -0400 3/13/08, Thijs Lensselink wrote:
Quoting tedd <tedd.sperling@xxxxxxxxx>:
At 11:14 AM -0400 3/12/08, Jason Pruim wrote:
Up here in the great big hand (Michigan for those who don't know)
during the winter we have so much snow on the ground that you
just kind of drive where ever looks like road... Even if it
means you have people passing on your right going the opposite
Yeah, but those are mostly Dutch -- you never know where they're going. :-)
It's a bit different here in Lansing -- with most being politicians, we
all drive in circles.
It's always the Dutch huh! :) It's because in our small ountry all
traffic is stuck all day long. So when it finally moves it goes all
directions :)
There's a difference between Dutch in Dutch-land and those here in Michigan.
The ones we have here are really strange. They are the type that say
"Thrown Mama down the stairs, the broom" and other such heart-stopping
True! But the Dutch do have a way with words :) I've heard worse
phrases then that!
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