Matty Sarro wrote:
Yeah, I'm working on this with the hopes of it turning into a full module
for a larger project I'm working on... but I'm still a bit of a noob :)
Thanks for the assistance guys!
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Daniel Brown <parasane@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Matty Sarro <msarro@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greets all!
I am working on a minor project for work for entering inventory
for servers we ship out.
Here is my plan:
First page -
Get client name, number of servers, and find number of miscellaneous
equipment(s) being shipped (UPS's, monitors, etc)
I'm still planning this out... my major concern is how would I maintain
values between pages?
$_SESSION['value'] = $your_sanitized_value_from_POST;
$_SESSION['value2'] = $your_second_sanitized_value;
echo "<pre />\n";
echo "</pre>\n";
Keep in mind, it'll only work on the same server and same domain.
Otherwise, you may want to look into using wildcard cookies.
Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>
If you are going to follow Daniel's example, since you could potentially be
working with more then one server on any given order, you might want to look at
using a multi-dimensional array to store your values in.
$_SESSION['order_info'] = array();
$_SESSION['order_info']['customer_data'] = array();
$_SESSION['order_info']['customer_data']['name'] = '';
$contact_data = array();
$contact_data['type'] = 'billing';
$contact_data['address'] = '123 Someplace Ave';
$contact_data['city'] = 'New York';
$contact_data['state'] = 'NY';
$contact_data['phone_number'] = '2134526523';
$_SESSION['order_info']['customer_data']['contact_data'][0] = $contact_data;
$contact_data = array();
$contact_data['address'] = 'shipping';
$contact_data['city'] = '321 Somewhere Ave';
$contact_data['state'] = 'New York';
$contact_data['state'] = 'NY';
$contact_data['phone_number'] = '2134526523';
$_SESSION['order_info']['customer_data']['contact_data'][1] = $contact_data;
$server['make'] = 'Dell';
$server['model'] = 'Power Edge 2400';
$server['ram'] = '2gig';
$server['hd'] = '6x18g Seagate U320 SCSI';
$server['video'] = '64 ATI';
$_SESSION['order_info']['servers'][0] = $server;
$server['make'] = 'Dell';
$server['model'] = 'Power Edge 2600';
$server['ram'] = '2gig';
$server['hd'] = '3x36g Seagate U320 SCSI';
$server['video'] = '64 ATI';
$_SESSION['order_info']['servers'][1] = $server;
As you might have guessed, I like arrays.
I would actually go as far as making arrays out of the ram, hd, etc... data.
This would allow me to have detailed information about each section/option.
Hope this helps
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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