Hi Folks,
I am thinking of putting together a class to handle passing parameters
to a class. Basically when you define a class you would define your
class to extend the parameter class.
The parameter class would be JSON compliant so in the end when you call
a class it you could pass the parameters as a JSON string.
(rough) eg.
myClass("label:test,title:this is text");
the parameter class would allow you to do something like:
echo myClass->get("label");
The advantages are:
- You don't have to have a declaration for every variable used within
your class
- I could make the parameter class case independent (I know I need a
flame suit for this but case dependency get on my nerves)
- I can wrap a lot of functionality into the parameter class, stuff like
'ifNotNull("label") .......'
So far disadvantages are:
- Eclipse etc. has code completion, which means all the parameters you
pass to a function can be presented to the developer as part of "code
I'd like to know:
- Have any of you guys already done something like I am talking about.
- As developers do you reckon losing code completion is worth the
advantages of a parameter class
- Have I overlooked something major ?
Let me know what you think,
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