At 8:12 AM -0500 3/6/08, Eric Butera wrote:
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Adrian Walls <awalls@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Adrian Walls
K-Point Internet Solutions Limited
Tel: (028) 4175 4836
Mob: +44 (0) 7734473615
Email: awalls@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Web: <>
Registered office: 8 Osborne Promenade, Warrenpoint, Newry, Co. Down BT34
3NQ Registered in Northern Ireland no. NI50666
This email is private and confidential and may contain legally privileged
information. If you are not named as an addressee it may be
unlawful for you
to read, copy, distribute, disclose or otherwise use the information
contained in this email. If you are not the intended recipient of
this email
> please destroy this communication and contact awalls@xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm not really sure I can reply to you because of your confidentiality
notice. I mean it isn't like you sent an email to a public mailing
list where thousands of people can see it. ;)
Plus, take a look at the SIZE of that signature -- what a waste of bandwidth.
Trimming a signature to a couple of lines is far more respectful than
providing a billboard.
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