De: Richard Lynch [mailto:ceo@xxxxxxxxx] #1 Get the code, install it on a box in the closet, run valgrind --callgrind This will give you a stack trace of what gets called the MOST in your application. Look for "tall" trees in the call graph, and fix those first. #2 You can use 'ab' (apache benchmark) or similar to test it externally. #3 You can also script things with Selenium IDE and then use Selenium remote control to run them repeatedly, for the end-user experience. Don't let server non-access stop you from doing #1 though... <me> Sweet! I'll be trying those tools, Richard. Thanks :) Installing xdebug is getting rougher than expected as it's a RHEL4AS, php 4.3.4 w/o php-devel and a screwed up gcc :/ I'll let you know what worked for me. Thiago </me> -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: