Okay so I'm replying to my own post... And top posting to boot! :P
Amazing what happens when you pull a few [] off.... for completness:
$NumArray = Array($_POST['txtNumArray']);
works as I wanted :) Anyone have any texts that could help me get a
better grasp on arrays though? :)
On Mar 5, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Jason Pruim wrote:
So for some reason, arrays always mess me up... I don't know what it
is, but it just hasn't clicked yet... So I'm sure this is a simple
question for someone who knows and understands arrays :)
So with that being said here's the code I'm using:
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (isset($_GET['txtNum'])) {
$numBox= $_GET['txtNum'];
$_SESSION['num'] = $_GET['txtNum'];
$numBox = $_SESSION['num'];
echo "store box variable". $_SESSION['num'];
echo <<<HTML
<form method="GET">
How many boxes? <input type="text" size="2" name="txtNum">
<input type="submit"></form>
$NumArray= Array($_POST['txtNumArray[]']);
echo <<<TABLE
<P>Weight of 100 pieces: <input type="text" size="5"
<table border="1"><tr><th>Route #</th><th>Pieces in route</
th><th>Weight of route</th></tr>
echo "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"$self\">";
while($i < $numBox){
echo <<<HTML
<input type="text" size="5" name="txtNumArray[]"
<input type="text" size="5" name="txtPiecesArray[]"
<input type="text" size="5" name="txtWeightArray[]"
echo "<input type=\"submit\"></form>";
What I'm attempting to do, is grab the info out of txtNumArray[] and
put it into the variable $numArray Sounds easy enough right? Well
I've tried using $NumArray = Array($_POST['txtNumArray[]'); but
that's not working... I've tried $NumArray =
$_POST['txtNumArray[]']; which didn't work... and I've looked on the
php manual, but they all assume you understand this stuff which I do
not :)
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or could at least point me to some
text like "Array's for Dummies"? :)
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
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