Daniel Brown wrote:
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:22 AM, Shelley <myphplist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
What's the command to use if I want to remove all the directories and
files except 'a.gz' under a directory?
There isn't a "command" in PHP to do this. You'd have to write a
script to handle that processing.
If you're looking for general Unix/Linux commands, you're in the
wrong place, but here's one possible way to do it:
sudo chattr +i /path/to/a.gz
rm -fR /path
sudo chattr -i /path/to/a.gz
If you have sudo access (or straight root access, in which case
you can su - to root and skip the 'sudo' part of the command), that
will set the file attribute to immutable, which means no one -
including root or the system itself - can modify or delete that file
unless they have the CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE capability (such as root) and
issue the 'chattr -i filename' command.
That's what I wanted. Thanks.
I have full priviledge of the directory.
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