On 27 Feb 2008, at 22:16, Jason Pruim wrote:
On Feb 27, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Jason Pruim <japruim@xxxxxxxxxx>
function authentication($user, $pass, $authenticated, $table){
// Keep in mind, PASSWORD has meaning in MySQL
// Do your string sanitizing here
// (e.g. - $user =
$salt = "salt";
$salt1 = $salt;
$salt1 .= $pass;
$password = md5("$salt1");
$loginQuery = "SELECT * FROM current WHERE
AND loginPassword='".$password."' LIMIT 0,1;";
$loginResult = mysql_query($loginQuery) or
die("Wrong data supplied
or database error" .mysql_error());
while($row1 =
mysql_fetch_array($loginResult)) {
$_SESSION['user'] =
$_SESSION['loggedin'] = "YES";
$authenticated = "true";
$table = $row1['tableName'];
return $table;
return $authenticated;
} \
As soon as a function reaches a `return` statement, it returns
that data and exits, so the second `return` is never processed.
so the "return $table;" line doesn't ever get processed?
Nope, only return $table will get processed since that ends execution
of the function.
Is there anyway to make it get processed? :) I'm attempting to
rewrite code so I don't HAVE to use session variables... Hoping I
can make it work :)
To return multiple values from a function it's usually best to return
an array. There are other ways to do it such as out parameters but
returning an array should be sufficient in this case.
Replace your two return statements with the following...
return array($table, $authenticated);
Then call the function like this...
list($table, $authenticated) = authentication(blah, blah, blah);
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